Participation in the training

Iryna Bakhmet, Head of the Marketing Department, took part in the training “Fundamentals of Strategic Communication for Universities”.

From 29.06 to 01.07 2021, the training “Fundamentals of Strategic Communication for Universities” was held in the city of Kreminna. The event was attended by 12 representatives of displaced higher education institutions from Luhansk and Donetsk regions.

The main goal of the training program was to improve the skills of HEIs in the field of effective communication and awareness in the field of EU and UN visual policy standards. The experts were the representative of the EU delegation in Ukraine Nadiia Vertebna, the UN representative for the restoration and development of peace Maksym Kytsiuk and the trainer for strategic communications Maryna Hovorukhina.

During the event, the goals and methods of communication to achieve results were discussed, as well as the communication channels of the EU Delegation to Ukraine. The attention of the training participants is focused on identifying the target audience and its needs, studying the goals according to the SMART model, the formula of insight, strategic goals and the communication strategy of universities.

An important milestone in the training program was the topic of requirements for visual communication of EU activities in Ukraine. They talked about the correct placement of logos on printed materials, the mandatory use of a disclaimer, coordination and approval of visual materials, banners, coverage of project events through our own media channels (mainly Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, which are used for political messages and dissemination of information about the stages of projects being implemented), etc.

Participation in such events for our university, which is a beneficiary of European Union grant programs, is extremely important and necessary, because there are clear EU communication rules and the rules of the UN Program for Peace Recovery and Development and we must know and follow them when covering the implementation of projects.

This document was prepared with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union. 

Press Center of LTSNU