Results of the “Languages and Cultures of the World” competition

The results of the “Languages and Cultures of the World” competition were summed up at the Faculty of Foreign Languages.

From March to April 2023, the Faculty of Foreign Languages held the All-Ukrainian competition “Languages and Cultures of the World” for 9-11th grade pupils of general secondary education institutions. Pupils from all over Ukraine were invited to participate in the competition.
The organizing committee of the competition received more than 130 works from 6 sections:

1. Artistic performance of a lyrical work in English / German / French / Spanish (“Lyrics” section)
2. Artistic performance of an excerpt of a prose work of art in English / German / French / Spanish (“Fictional Prose” section)
3. Artistic performance of an excerpt of a dramatic work in English / German / French / Spanish (section “Dramatic work”)
4. Artistic performance of one’s own English / German / French / Spanish translation of a Ukrainian lyrical work (song) / an excerpt from Ukrainian artistic prose (“Own artistic translation” section)
5. Performance of a modern Japanese / Chinese song (with the possibility of using cosplay elements and accompaniment) (“Eastern Song” section)
6. Artistic performance of a Japanese/Chinese poem or an excerpt of a prose work of art (“Oriental work of art” section)
The Jury of the Competition was formed from teachers of the Faculty of Foreign Languages of LTSNU.

The criteria for the selection of competitive works were:

1. Original creative embodiment of artistic performance.
2. Proximity of the contestant’s pronunciation to the original language.
3. For the nomination “Artistic execution of one’s own translation” – originality of creative ideas, which are the basis of the translation; translation accuracy and closeness to the original; sense of speech
4. Acting skills of participants.
The Jury determined the winners of the Competition by majority vote.