Meeting within the project “Collection of a Psychologist Specialist”

Students majoring in psychology of the Educational and Research Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology attended a meeting within the project “Collection of a Psychologist Specialist”.

The meeting began with an introduction to the psychologist of the Career and Advisory Centers of the Masaryk University of the Czech Republic (Masarykova Univerzita), Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor Sofia Berezka.

She told about the peculiarities of the professional activity of future psychologists and the work of the aforementioned centers. During the meeting, Sofia spoke about the services provided by the Career Center and the work of the studio and psychological departments of the Counseling Center. The topics with which you can apply for a consultation and the terms of using this service were discussed. The psychologist also shared her own experience of counseling practice.

In the second half of the meeting, the participants had the opportunity to conduct their own SWOT analysis. This method allows to learn about strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Many people realized:
– what threats (people/things that prevent them from achieving success) are there in their lives;
– what opportunities (resources that will help improve themselves and their lives) they do not pay attention to;
– found out what constitutes their strengths and weaknesses (what distinguishes them from others and what acts as a barrier between them and their goal).


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