Results of the implementation of the EU Project in 2022

In the context of a full-scale Russia’s war against Ukraine in 2022, the goals and content of the EU Project “Intensification of influence of teachers of Luhansk region on the processes of reconciliation and peace-building” were adjusted, and the first results were achieved.

After the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, the educational buildings, dormitory and material and technical base, which were the subject of reconstruction and procurement within the EU Project “Intensification of influence of teachers of Luhansk region on the processes of reconciliation and peace-building”, were completely destroyed by the enemy in the city of Rubizhne (15 Pomeranchuk Street). In this way, the efforts of the leadership of the Project (Vitalii Kurylo, head of the Project) during 2022 were aimed at analyzing the critical needs and opportunities of the university under the conditions of relocation from Luhansk to Poltava region; establishing their compliance with the main goals of the Project; constant communication with the donor partner in order to effectively refocus the Poject and approve financing for 2022.

During July and August 2022, the updated Project concept and budget were agreed with the Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine, aimed at strengthening the university’s ability as the main executor to conduct statutory activities and ensure the implementation of the main goals of the Project. In accordance with these documents, the activities of the steering committee were adjusted; locations for the continuation of the Project were determined: Poltava (Poltava University of Economics and Trade, 3 Kovalya Street, Poltava), Lubny (School No. 10, 2 Lyaskina Street, Lubny), Myrhorod (Myrhorod Specialized School, 52/15 Starosvitska Street, Myrhorod); appropriate agreements were concluded with the local authorities. Significant amendments were also made to the list of activities and indicators of the Project’s implementation.

At the committee meeting on November 4, 2022, a decision was made to extend the Project for 6 months until the end of June 2023. Appropriate amendments were also made to the project documents, concerning the deadlines for achieving results, as well as to the budget.

The first significant result of the updated Project at the end of 2022 – the beginning of 2023 was the purchase of necessary equipment for the full functioning of the university and ensuring the quality of the educational process. The package of technical means included: office equipment, laptops, computers with all the necessary peripherals for them, portable charging stations, network equipment, equipment for photo and video recording, etc.

This significantly improved the material and technical base of the university in its three locations in Poltava region (Poltava, Lubny, Myrhorod), and became the basis for its further development.

In addition to the material and technical support of the university’s activities, the updated Project provides for work with teachers, educators and students of Luhansk and Poltava regions, aimed at increasing the level of pedagogical and methodical competence; reducing the degree of conflict and increasing the level of tolerance in communities; formation of skills necessary for the recovery and development of Ukraine, Luhansk and Poltava regions in the postwar period, based on the principles of humanism, tolerance, humanocentrism, peacebuilding, etc.


This document was drafted with the financial support of the European Union.  The content of this document is solely the responsibility of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University and in no case can be considered as the position of the European Union.


 Project team