Meeting in Myrhorod

Despite the tragic events in Ukraine, the project “Intensification of Influence of Teachers of Luhansk Region on the Process of Reconciliation and Peace-Buidling”, which is implemented within the framework of the EU grant program “Support of Displaced Higher Educational Institutions of the Donetsk and Luhansk Regions”, is being continued!

The military aggression of the Russian Federation, the destruction of most university buildings, and the evacuation forced the project team to make adjustments to its concept and to focus, in order to achieve its main goals, on ensuring the full functioning of Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University as the main grant recipient and executor as a guarantee of the implementation of educational programs created within the framework of the project, the possibility of involving students and school teachers in studying under these programs.
After the evacuation of the university to Poltava region, the project team faced the task of reaching as many final beneficiaries as possible with the educational component as the main product of the project by territorial expansion of its influence. In this vein, a number of meetings and consultations were held, the result of which was the team’s visit to the city of Myrhorod, Poltava region.
The idea arose to place some structural subdivisions in the city of Myrhorod.
On June 9, 2022, the team members, together with the heads of the university structural subdivisions, visited the city of Myrhorod, where they met with representatives of the local authorities, inspected the premises where the educational process can be carried out.

At the meeting, in which, in addition to representatives of the university, the Mayor of Myrhorod Serhii Solomakha, the head of the Myrhorod District Council Natalia Hyrka, the head of the Management of Education, Youth and Sports of the Myrhorod City Council Tetiana Kolybelnyk, the head of the Executive Committee of the Myrhorod City Council Antonina Nikitchenko, discussed the main directions of cooperation, in particular regarding the implementation of educational activities and the integration of the university into the educational space of the Myrhorod territorial community,
The result of the meeting was the signing of the cooperation agreement between LTSNU and the Myrhorod City Council.

This event opens up real opportunities to achieve the main goals of the project and strengthens the team’s confidence in its successful completion.


This document was prepared with the financial support of the European Union. The content of this document is solely the responsibility of the SI “Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University” and in no case can be considered as the position of the European Union.

Project team